Monday, June 28, 2010

Wow, 9 months old!!!!

What a whirlwind last few weeks! Friday, the 25th was Max and Christopher's 9 month birthday! Sara, our PT was here in the morning and did some work with the ball and lots of stretching, she is amazed at his progress, he is doing so well! I need to continue the stretches and encourage him to take side steps, he is a busy body and always on the move. He also had his evaluation. We then went to his appointment with Laura at Union and found out he corrected almost 3 mm, a very impressive number! At the first scan and consultation Christopher was measuring 16 mm difference, he has corrected a total of 6 mm, thus far 10 to go. His next appointment will be the comparative scan and this will show us the difference on paper, I am looking forward to seeing the differences.

This morning was his 9 month physical with our pediatrician, and his first time being seen with his helmet. He is now 18 lbs, 10 oz, and 26 " tall, his twin brother Max is 19 lbs and 28" tall, he squeaked passed him. At his appointment we also discussed getting him seen to address his tongue being tied, another little "thing" to schedule.

This summer is going by quickly between the bouts of rain, and logging in some impressive swim time, I joke, I take that helmet off and he is a wild baby in the water! There is an added bonus to the helmet, he is used to having something on his head he doesn't mind wearing his sun hat, Max on the other hand wants nothing to do with it and then removes Christopher's as well!

Over the weekend was our DeMare family reunion, we did an Amazing race through pittsburgh, taking pictures at various places along the way, it was a blast and the funny part was how many said hi to Christopher because his name is on his helmet!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Loosening up!

Sara, our PT came for her weekly visit this morning and is very happy with Christopher's progress! He held mid line position of his head up to 10 seconds while playing in a sitting position. He also tilted right up to 75 degrees during strengthening! He is also using his left arm a lot more! This is positive progress and continues to improve his mobility everyday, which means he is on the move and not looking back! He and Max have entered " freedom mode" they both love to be on the floor in the action with their brother and sisters! Christopher's newest move is standing in his crib and singing at the top of his lungs, no matter what time it is! Looking forward to our visit with Laura at Union on Monday. Speaking of Christopher, he just woke up, time to gooooo!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ear infections, Graduations and Celebrations!

It has been a whirl wind few weeks around here, between dodging torrential downpours and enduring the humidity we managed to get in a few parties and doctors visits! Max has been fighting his ear infection, on top of teething, its been an experience!
Ave' and Sophia are both graduates, we are so proud! They wanted to go out to dinner and celebrate!
We were able to enroll the girls at St. Gabriel's for the next school year, it was a very big surprise and we are so thankful! The principal said mothers of twins deserve special blessings, she gave us one!
John Morgan is still getting into everything, still managing to test the limits and be adorable while doing it!
Christopher loves singing, he sings all day, and loves to watch the cars go by, John Morgan used to do the exact thing! Christopher woke up last night and completely sat up on his own, no assistance and laid back down, I could hardly believe it! He has mastered crawling as well, we are in trouble over here!
I was worried that the helmet was going to be bothersome with the heat and to my relief Christopher is doing well with it, he is so easygoing!
My cousin Meg complimented my blog, I feel so blessed to have so many people supporting us on Christopher's journey, he is such a special little one.
Observers note, I use a lot of punctuation marks!! lol